蘋果迷你倉陪你過暑假!由即日起至2024年8月31日,蘋果迷你倉及Apple Storage Premium現有客戶登記參加「夏日激賞」大抽獎活動,即有機會贏取豐富獎品,包括$10,000旅遊禮券,超過130份獎品等緊你!
# | 獎品 | 數量 |
1 | 價值 HK$10,000 旅遊禮券 | 1 |
2 | 價值 HK$7,500 旅遊禮券 | 1 |
3 | 價值 HK$5,000 旅遊禮券 | 1 |
4-13 | 價值 HK$500 超市禮券 | 10 |
14-83 | 價值 HK$300 蘋果迷你倉續租回贈券 | 70 |
84-133 | 價值 HK$300 超市禮券 | 50 |
推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼: 58804
From now until August 31st, 2024, all Apple Storage and Apple Storage Premium customers are invited to enter our “2024 Apple Storage Summer Lucky Draw” for a chance to win amazing prizes!
# | Prizes | Qty |
1 | Travel Voucher (Value: HK$10,000) | 1 |
2 | Travel Voucher (Value: HK$7,500) | 1 |
3 | Travel Voucher (Value: HK$5,000) | 1 |
4-13 | Value HK$500 Supermarket Coupons | 10 |
14-83 | Value HK$300 Apple Storage Renewal Reward | 70 |
84-133 | Value HK$100 Supermarket Coupons | 50 |
Click here for Terms & Conditions
Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 58804