衷心感謝每位客戶的持續支持與信任,您們的肯定是我們穩步成長的動力。我們的專業團隊致力為您提供優質的服務與貼心的解決方案。為了鼓勵和嘉許在工作中表現優異的員工,並感謝他們全心全意服務客戶,我們現正舉辦「蘋果迷你倉集團2024年傑出員工選舉」。現誠邀您參與,為我們的客戶服務團隊送上您的支持與鼓勵。 您的參與將激勵他們不斷精益求精,為您帶來更卓越的服務體驗。
立即填寫員工選舉問卷 https://forms.gle/D4KTVUMn5Ky3wf387

We sincerely thank every customer for their continued support and trust. Your affirmation is the driving force behind our continuous growth. Our professional team dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of service and thoughtful solutions.
To honor employees who have excelled in their roles and express our gratitude for their wholehearted customer service, we organize the “Apple Storage Group Outstanding Employee Award 2024”. We warmly invite you to participate and extend your support and encouragement for our customer service team. Your participation will inspire them to continuously strive for excellence and deliver an exceptional service experience.
Please click the link below to fill out the questionnaire and make your voice a vital part of recognizing outstanding employees. Thank you for your kind participation and support!
Submission Deadline: 22 March 2025
Fill out the questionnaire now https://forms.gle/D4KTVUMn5Ky3wf387