Recently, the saleable area of new buildings are small and the storage space is limited, so the demand for the mini storage is boosting. Through this interview, you may understand more about the mini storage industry in Hong Kong.
Apple Storage ‧ Kung Hei Fat Choi !
From now, Red Pocket is available at AppleStorage for Free.
*1pack per customer, Limited Qty, while stock lasts**
The Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA) 2014 Service & Courtesy Award (S&C Award)
The S&C Award is held by the HKRMA annually. Meanwhile, this award is regarded as the Oscar of retail industry. Most of the company and brand respect the S&C ward and participate in this competition eagerly.
Voluntary Activity – Love Sharing Charity Ticket
Apple Storage volunteers go for charity again!
On 19 Oct 2014, the Apple Storage volunteers join the charity activity which is held by Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS) to sell the < Love Sharing Charity Ticket > for funds raising. The funds will be used to support the development of the services for the needy.
Apple Storage – The media interviews
In order to satisfy the needs of different customers, we strive to innovate and add more facilities and services for the customers to experience our core value . Apple Storage is interviewed by the media to introduce our service and core value. Let’s us to know more about that:
Sing Tao Daily – Professional Detailing Center:
Don’t afraid the challenge, Customer is first priority
Apple storage leads the trend of diversified storage services
Interview by TVB Financial Magazine – Apple Storage
Previously, Apple Storage is invited by TVB to interview for the mini storage. The audiences can know more about the development of mini storage industry from the point of view of the business operator. It showed on the program called as < Financial Magazine > on 26th Oct 2014.
2014 Open day’s review
Apple Storage awarded “Family-Friendly Employers – Special Mention” by Family Council.
The fundamental principle of the Government’s family policy is to recognize and promulgate that the family is the cornerstone of our society. The objective of our family policy is to enhance family harmony with a view to building a harmonious community and alleviating social problems. This may be further elaborated as promoting family core values, engendering a culture of loving families and creating/supporting a general pro-family environment. In order to achieve the objective of the family policy.
Apple Storage – TeamBuilding
Apple Storage Team Building was held in May 2014. Through different activities, trust, respect and appreciation has been enhanced within our team.
The 5th Manpower Developer Award Scheme
The 5th Presentation Ceremony of the “ERB Manpower developer Award Scheme” was held on 23 April 2014. It is our pleasure to inform that Apple Storage has been awarded “Manpower Developers (MDs) – SME” in this year.